15 Tips and Tricks for Your Pets news

15 Tips and Tricks for Your Pets

The only thing we love more than our pets are household hacks (no, really). In this post, we combine both, and share more than 15 of our favorite tips and tricks for pets, including how to get rid of fleas naturally, prevent cats from scratching furniture, save money on pet food and grooming, keep pets from chewing, make your dog’s breath smell better, and more.

Prevent Pet Sunburn

Did you know that light-colored animals can get a sunburn, too? Guard against this by dabbing a bit of SPF 15 sunscreen on your pet’s nose and the tips of his ears.

Fido Being Finicky?

If you’ve bought a new brand of food and your dog doesn’t want to eat it, put a piece of beef jerky in the bag and reseal it. By the next day, the smell will have worn off on the food, making it seem much more appetizing.

Where to Buy Pet Food

When shopping for pet food, make sure to compare prices at the pet store to those at your grocery store. A recent study found that pet food tends to cost more at stores that are full of people who are already buying pet products!

Get Groomed for Less

The busiest days at the pet groomer’s are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Find a groomer who offers discounts on Tuesdays through Thursdays, or ask your groomer if she will offer you a discount for coming midweek.

Stop Cats from Scratching Furniture

If there’s a specific piece of furniture you don’t want your cat on, or place you don’t want him to go, you know how hard it is to enforce this rule. If your yelling doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent to your favorite feline, try this instead: In a spray bottle, mix together 1 cup of water with ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon and ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Place in a spray bottle and test in an inconspicuous area of your furniture to make sure it won’t stain. Cats hate the smell, and don’t want it on their paws. Repeat every few days until they find somewhere else to scratch (like that expensive scratching post you bought) permanently.

Pacify a Chewing Puppy

If you have a new puppy like Bruce, and he’s been chewing through chair and table legs, head to your local vitamin or health food store and ask for some clove oil. Oil of cloves smells great to us but terrible to dogs. Wipe it on the legs of anything wooden, and he’ll stay away.

Keep Animals from Chewing on Cords

If your cat or dog likes chewing on electrical cords, we know you need a solution, and fast! Here it is: Unplug the electronics, then rub the cords with a wedge of lemon. Once they’ve dried, you can plug them back in. Animals hate the taste of lemon and will steer clear.

A Better-Behaved Dog

Many dog trainers say that the key to discouraging bad behavior (like incessant barking) is to startle your dog. An easy way to do this is to fill an old toilet paper tube with uncooked rice or beans, then tape aluminum foil over each end. Shake the tube and the noise will be enough to surprise him out of his bad behavior.

Proper Care for Pet Toys

Keep your pets’ playthings clean and free from bacteria and germs by tossing them into the dishwasher alone (without dishes) once a month. But hold the detergent: Just turn the temp to hot and the heat plus the water pressure will completely sanitize plastic or rubber toys. And not only will a quick wash help ensure that Fido stays healthy, it’ll prolong the life of the toys and keep your floors, carpets, and furniture clean, too.

Get Rid of Litter Box Odor

If your cat’s litter box smells like, well, a litter box, rinse it out and add a half-inch of white vinegar in the box. Let it stand for half an hour, then swish it around, rinse, and dry the box.

Easily Get Rid of Pet Hair

Get rid of pet hair on upholstery by using dry rubber gloves. 

Tricks for Getting Rid of Fleas Naturally

Did you know that saltwater gets rid of fleas? If you live near the ocean, let your dog swim in it to naturally get rid of fleas.

Get Cats to Take Pills More Easily

If you have trouble getting your cat to swallow pills, try rubbing them in butter first. It will make them taste better to your cat, and they’ll slide right down his throat.

Keep Ants Away from Pet Food

Never have to throw away an ant-infested bowl of pet food again! If ants keep sneaking into your pet’s food, you should know this tip: Ants can’t swim! Place the bowl of dog or cat food into a shallow bowl filled with water.

Bad Breath Bomb

If your cat or dog has horrible breath, try adding some fresh chopped parsley to his food. It counteracts the bad breath smell, so you can cuddle closer.

By Bruce and Jeanne Lubin

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